1. OZ ZINEMA ELKARTEA, in collaboration with the City Council of Errenteria, announces the 3rd DOCUMENTARY FILM AND HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL OF ERRENTERIA, in order to promote and develop the audiovisual arts through visualization and the defense of human rights.
2. All authors over 18 years of age may participate in it. The director of the work is considered the author.
3.The works must be original and made after January 1, 2023.
4. The theme of the works will be about the defense and denunciation of the violation of Human Rights. The only accepted genre is documentary.
5. Language: the short films may be presented in any language. Works presented in a language other than Basque, or Spanish must be subtitled in either of the two mentioned languages.
6. The selection will include short and medium-length films. The maximum duration of the works to the competition will not exceed 60 minutes.
7. Proposals that, due to their content, language, image, or message, could be discriminatory based on sex, be offensive, hurt sensitivity or violate the rights of third parties will be excluded from the competition.
8. The deadline for submitting papers will be from July 1, 2024, to September 4, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
9. The works will be presented on the following platform: FESTHOME
10. The works that will go to the competition phase will be selected by a selection committee of the Documentary Film and Human Right Film Festival of Errenteria.The pre-selection will be notified to all the participants by mail.
11. The selected works must send a projection copy in some format of sufficient quality. If this involves any expense, it will be borne by the participant. Due to the fact of being selected, the Festival will provide all those selected in the official section with the DCP created for the screening.
12. Jury composition (4 voting members):
Two specialists in audiovisual arts and two in the field of Human Rights.
• Secretary: An official from the Department of Cultural Diversity, Human Rights and Cooperation for Development, with voice, but without vote.
The names of the members of the jury will be published on the festival’s website, always prior to the event.
The names of the members of the jury will be published on the festival’s website, always prior to the event.
13. The jury will award the following prizes:
Juanmi Gutiérrez Laboratory Grand Prize
· Laboratory in which the management team of the winning work will receive technical and artistic advice for their next project, with the aim of preparing their work for submission to the funding search phase. The advice will be given by renowned professionals from the film industry in the region, and will focus on the areas of script development and production. Such advice may be provided telematically and/or in person.
Special mention
· Industry award for distribution at Festhome, endowed with an annual bonus for a single film that allows unlimited registrations for one year at all festivals of the platform. This bonus does not include the individual registration fees required by some of the platform’s festivals.
The audience will have the opportunity to award an audience award.
Audience Award “Ion Arretxe”
Audience Award for Best Short/Medium Film (€250)
+ In addition, an audience award will be awarded for best feature film (€250 endowment), whose selection is outside the present rules.
The days of projection of the works, at the end of each session, the public will have the option to vote. The vote will be numerical, scoring from zero to ten. The average score received will be linked percentage to the number of spectators of the session. The work with the highest numerical note will be the winner.
14. If the works presented do not meet sufficient quality, the jury will have the power to leave the awards void.
15. The amount of the prizes is subject to the legally established tax withholding
16. The III Documentary Film and Human Right Film Festival of Errenteria will be held from November 20 to 24, 2023. The awards ceremony will take place on November 26, 2023.
17. To receive the awards, it is essential to appear, either in person or by accredited delegation, at the award ceremony.
18. Oz Zinema Elkartea reserves the right to keep a copy of the winning short films, in order to use them for archiving, promotion and publicity, or projections and samples of short films. This reservation will never be of a commercial nature and the author will be notified in advance.
19. The participants authorize the Festival organization to use excerpts from the short films for dissemination in any media in order to promote the festival. Likewise, the organization may use photographs of the films and directors, in the press and other media, as well as for the preparation of the festival catalog.
20. The works selected by the selection team will be screened in the sessions open to the public organized within the Festival
21. Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these rules. In turn, Oz Zinema Elkartea will adopt the necessary measures to develop and apply what is established in them.